Haizol Founder and Chairman She Ying Attends China-Malaysia Business Luncheon

Posted On June 24, 2024 By HAIZOL
On the afternoon of June 20th local time, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim jointly attended and addressed the China-Malaysia Business Luncheon in Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia BusinessHaizol founderManufacturing in China

Haizol Founder and Chairman She Ying Attends China-Malaysia Business Luncheon


On the afternoon of June 20th local time, Chinese Premier Li Qiang and Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim jointly attended and addressed the China-Malaysia Business Luncheon in Kuala Lumpur. Approximately 200 representatives from the business sectors of both countries participated in the event. Haizol Founder and Chairman She Ying was invited to attend the luncheon.


During the luncheon, She Ying reported to Premier Li Qiang on the development of Haizol, highlighting the significant progress made over the past year. She assured that Haizol will continue its efforts to provide better services to manufacturing enterprises both domestically and internationally. She Ying also engaged in extensive discussions with relevant government officials from both countries, representatives of Chinese enterprises, and Malaysian entrepreneurs. She introduced Haizol’s current and future development goals, strategies, and directions, expressing hope to further contribute to enhancing the efficiency and capability of China and global supply chains and to build bridges for supply chain cooperation between China and countries like Malaysia.



Malaysia is a key trading partner for China. Currently, there are over 1,000 registered buyers from Malaysia on the Haizol platform, demonstrating significant growth potential. Some leading Malaysian companies have already begun using Haizol to address challenges in parts development, mass production, and cost reduction. Haizol has established a dedicated team to actively expand into the Malaysian and other overseas markets.


As a practitioner of digitalization in China's manufacturing industry and a participant in global economic and trade cooperation, Haizol will follow the spirit of Premier Li Qiang’s speech at the luncheon. By continuously developing and strengthening the Haizol platform ecosystem, Haizol aims to provide high-quality supply chain services to a wide range of domestic and international enterprises. Haizol will actively explore emerging fields such as green development and the digital economy, serving future industrial layouts and becoming an important participant in innovative development. Haizol will also actively participate in the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative and high-level opening-up, continuously deepening its presence in both domestic and international markets, uncovering trade growth potential, and making positive efforts towards China-Malaysia economic and trade cooperation as well as China’s global economic and trade cooperation. Haizol aspires to be a practitioner and action-taker of mutual benefits and win-win outcomes between China and the world.


Haizol: Chinese Manufacturing Serving Global Production


As a digital platform serving the trade of non-standard parts, Haizol has, through eight years of dedicated effort and accumulation, successfully developed the "2+5+2" approach—comprising 2 databases, 5 AI tools, and 2 service systems. This innovative solution addresses prominent issues in non-standard parts trade, further enhancing the efficiency and capability of China's supply chain and helping Chinese factories improve their order-receiving capabilities. Currently, the Haizol platform supports transactions in 27 languages and has introduced innovative features such as "Smart Factory Haizol," "Translation Assistant," "Intelligent Multilingual Document Generator," and "Belt and Road Country Tags." These features enable Chinese factories to actively connect with global manufacturing and secure more overseas orders. Additionally, the multi-language versions and intelligent supply chain organization systems allow more buyers from various countries to quickly connect with Chinese factories.


To date, Haizol has registered 280,000 buyers from 107 countries and 700,000 Chinese factories, with over 300 buyers from the Fortune Global 500 companies. From 2019 to 2023, the number and value of orders from Belt and Road countries on the Haizol platform have grown rapidly. Orders from Malaysian enterprises alone have involved more than 4 million non-standard parts.


Looking ahead, Haizol, as a digital platform for parts trade servicing foreign trade enterprises, will continue to be guided by national policies. Haizol will help foreign trade enterprises expand international markets and contribute to the further development of parts trade.

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